Razor Bumps Cure - Act now before irreversible scars.

Razor Bumps Doctors
Before I get started, it is important to say that I am not a doctor or a medical practitioner of any kind. Just someone who used to have a terrible case of razor bumps or 'pseudofolliculitis barbae' [PFB], and is now completely cured of it. Here's my story.
I had it so bad that I was sometimes ashamed to go out of the house. Not only did I have it on my chin, I had it on the back of my neck too! It all started with one bump, and then it spread across my scalp. It was horrible and painful. I couldn't have my hair cut at the barber's shop anymore. Cutting my hair any lower than setting 3 on his clipper resulted in pain because of scalp bumps. The same for the chin bumps. It looked so horrible that it disfigured my chin.

When I started losing my hair, I finally went to see my doctor. I could tell my doctor did not really know what he was looking at. He told me I was 'cutting my hair too short'. And he recommended that I 'shower more regularly' and 'make sure I wash my hair too'. I felt insulted. I showered very regularly and took care of my hair and scalp. Nothing I did worked.

I then went to see a pharmacist who recommended all manner of ointments and all that, including coconut oil. It didn't work. The misery continued. I had to quit my job as I could no longer go in due to the personal shame. That sounds a bit extreme, but if you have PFB or any extreme case of razor bumps, AND scalp bumps, you'd know what I mean. It almost ruined my life.

I got broke and into debt, all because of my PFB. One thing led to another. I started getting depressed, and the PFB got worse. I couldn't understand why there was no razor bumps cure. Surely if we could put men on the moon, we could cure simple pimples. Apparently not.

I started doing some research on the internet. I found a lot of the typical 'cure this cure that' magic potion nonsense you find on the net. Similar to the rubbish cure-all 'ancient medicine' you see at the back of newspapers. I was desperate so of course I tried a number of them. After spending over £2,000 which I put on an already thin credit card to no avail I decided enough was enough. I actually gave up. I decided there was nothing I could do about it and I would just live with it.

Then I bumped into a friend of mine that changed my life forever. We grew up together, but I hadn't seen him in nearly 10 years. He noticed my bumps and reacted immediately. Normally people were polite. I could tell they were looking, but they never said anything to me. My friend Karwin, God bless him, just went straight to the point. I still remember his words like it was yesterday. "Joshua, you should take something for that" he said, pointing at my chin. I thought he was making fun of me. I remember snapping at him saying something like 'man, I tried everything. 'Even the doctors didn't know what it was'. He said he would 'show me' later. He never did. For some reason, I lost touch with him again. What he did for me though was rekindle my curiosity and determination to find a solution to my problem. To find a razor bumps cure!

A few weeks later, I had to go see the dentist for a tooth problem. I had an infection that had to be cleared before the dentist could proceed, so I was prescribed a course of antibiotics. Towards the end of the antibiotics course, I noticed something spectacular; my scalp bumps had cleared almost completely! The chin bumps were still there, but they were not like large pimples anymore. At first I didn't associate it to the drugs, but I later put 2 and 2 together. These things were caused by microbes that were killed by the antibiotics!
The 'cure' was short lived though. A few weeks after, the bumps came back worse than ever before! But, this time, rather than being depressed about them, I was fired up and determined to find a cure. A permanent cure! The bumps can be beaten, I had seen it happen to me.

I must have read every single book and article I could find about razor bumps, pseudofolliculitis barbae, folliculitis, bacteria infections, EVERYTHING. I became an expert on the subject. And then I came across a book 'Razor Bumps Doctors, Finally a PERMANENT cure for folliculitis'. I bought it straight away of course, and read it cover to cover on the same day. Normally I read reviews about a book before buying it, but really the title just captivated me. It was EXACTLY what I had, so I just didn't care.
After going through the book, I couldn't believe my eyes really. Because I had studied razor bumps and pseudofolliculitis barbae so intensely, I already knew about 50% of the stuff in the book, but the other 50% was what changed my life.

It's basically simple. Razor bumps can be prevented by following what I said in the previous post 'Razor Bumps Prevention'. However, if you already have razor bumps or pseudofolliculitis barbae, or scalp bumps, or any kind of folliculitis for that matter, then you have to GET RID OF THE ROOT CAUSE FIRST. That is the key! That is why for so many many many people, their folliculitis problem never goes away, and just gets worse until it does some serious damage.

I have been extremely luck to find this book when I did. If I hadn't my scalp bump might have gotten so bad that I would have needed surgery. I remember I spent around £50 on the book back then, compared to the tens of thousands of pounds that I would have spent on surgery. Not to talk of the risk involved.

I am now 100% bumps free. Well, 99%, but that's good enough. And after that, all I need to do is live a healthier lifestyle and follow a simple routine to make sure the bumps never ever come back. I'm happier than ever, and I'm out of debt. I am more effective at work because my confidence is through the roof!

The book has since been revised in 2012 and is now called 'Folliculitis Doctor, Sooth & Cure Folliculitis For Good', and now includes even more information to cover all types of Folliculitis. It is the main inspiration to start this blog and share my experience with the world.

I CAN'T RECOMMEND THIS BOOK ENOUGH! It is the only book of its kind that I found in all my research. To be honest, it seems as if nobody else cares about PFB apart from these guys.
If you are interested and you really want to get rid of your bumps for ever, you can get it by clicking the book image below. By the way, it's a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely happy with this book. If anytime within 60 days you are not happy, then just request a refund within 60 days NO QUESTIONS ASKED! I love the 'nothing to lose' confidence of the authors. I'm not surprised, though, knowing what it has done for me.
I seriously hope this changes your life like it did mine. Remember, DON'T DEALY! If you have pseudofolliculitis barbae or scalp bumps, ACT NOW before you get irreversible scars on your skin causing baldness and disfiguration, and need for surgery.

Good luck!



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